Still in testing phase. AND this needs to be written. So here is something to look at. bla bla bla ewpfpdm sf wepf s;kldf ie slieh fsioeh fosiehf oihgfod oiw fhwoiehf oihd oifhwoeihf iodho ihd owiefd we fjpodjf posje pfjposjdf ;ldmf poej pwjf pdjf sioep fpsj dfk oieh fsihohg ouirh ouihwe fpowieh fpiowheflkdn lsikhe fiosef SDMFLWEPFdSSEfjsssdjflkihweof owiefoehiw odihf owiehf oiwhefdihowiehf owiehfo idhwoi efh oiwhdoif oiwehf iwe skdnfweijf wipoejfd oh foiwhelfkn ldk weihf owihg foiuwehr iuwhe ifu heoikjf qpoewj pqowpn dofjn oqihew oiqhowihd osia Looks Icelandic don't it? |